Hey all, I’m looking for advice on where I can trim down my unnecessary spending. I feel like I should be saving more with my salary. I’m in my mid-20s, single, and living alone in a high cost-of-living area. I make $100k with monthly commissions, but sales have been down lately, and I’m feeling a bit strapped. Here are my averages for the last six months: Mandatory expenses total $3,465, with monthly spending at $2,235 and extra savings at $1,230 (not including my 401k). Any advice would be super appreciated!
I’d cut down on restaurants, subscriptions, entertainment, personal expenses, and gifts. I do workouts free via an app, so maybe look into that for fitness. Cooking at home saves a ton!
The biggest hit is probably the eating out budget. Try meal prepping once a month and freezing meals! It’ll save money and time. Also, check your health insurance for any reimbursements.
Ramit Sethi’s method might help. Focus on spending on what you love and cutting what you don’t. For me, I’d cut down on personal expenses and dining out.
Consider paying off your car fast. You could free up that $350 monthly. Eating out is high for one person too. Maybe cook more at home?
Cutting down on restaurants by 30-40% could help a lot! Meal prep and keep some healthy snacks at hand.
You should definitely reduce personal and fitness spending along with restaurants and gifts. Look for cheaper entertainment options too.
When you’re on the road, bring a reusable water bottle to save cash. Meal deals are often more expensive than just getting the entree!