What is my REAL budgeting process?

Every few years, I get the urge to start budgeting. But every time I try, I end up getting disorganized and failing to keep it up. :confused:

I can’t figure out how to separate money for different categories without having a separate bank account for each one. When I make a spreadsheet, it never matches what’s in my bank account, so it feels like a waste of time. Whenever I try to update the numbers or add to my budget categories, nothing adds up anymore. :chart_with_downwards_trend:

What am I doing wrong? How can I budget with my income, save for specific things, and give myself monthly allowances in different categories while keeping everything aligned with what’s in the bank? :money_with_wings::bar_chart:


The process of creating and implementing a budget involves several processes, some of which are as follows: Analyzing financial data from previous quarters and creating projections for future costs and income. putting together and carrying out a budget management plan.

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What exactly is wrong with you? I’m going to wager that you lack discipline. Even while the figures seem impressive on paper, they won’t add up or line up if you don’t execute the strategy in practice.

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@Rogan I don’t know the proper way to budget for specific items and having that match what’s actually in the bank. Physically speaking, how do I do it?

I recommend that you use digital budgeting apps like Mint, YNAB (You Need A Budget), or EveryDollar. These apps can sync with your bank accounts and credit cards, making it easier to track your spending in real time and categorize transactions automatically.