People with google sheets/excel budgets, how do you effectively keep a transactions list up to date?

I’m running into an issue where if I don’t continually log/copy over my transactions, I’ll get too lazy and my budget be out of date.

More info: I have a gsheets budget with a transactions list for each month, where I go through my various spending mediums (bank account, credit card, venmo, etc) and add them to the list.

It’s tedious going back and forth between each tab and manually inputting info. If I forget or I’m too lazy, my budget will have a backlog of transactions I need to copy over, and it won’t be accurate anymore.

Has anyone else experienced this and/or have a solutions?

I have a breakfast budget date with myself on Sundays where I sit down with my laptop, phone, and cozy drink of choice and get everything up to date.

that is an awesome idea!

I honestly look forward to it.

I add my transaction as soon as it’s done, usually. When I don’t do it regularly it’s the same as you, so I have no choice but to do it every day

I log transactions daily, using one credit card to keep it simple. I average $120/month and can catch up quickly