Just started my first budgeting plan... any tips?

Hey folks, I just refinanced all my debt into a single personal loan of $42k, and I’m trying to follow a budget for the first time. I’ve laid everything out, and I’d love to hear your thoughts or advice. Here’s what I have so far!

It’s great that you’re getting organized! I’m curious, what’s your plan for that personal loan? Are you making extra payments?

Having a car repair fund is smart! But I’m not sure it makes sense to set up a home down payment fund with that much debt. Have you looked into prioritizing debt repayment first?

I think your budget looks good overall, but your grocery budget seems low. Are you cooking at home mostly?

You should consider dropping the Netflix subscription if you’re serious about cutting costs. Every little bit helps!

I like how you’ve set rules for your budget! Just remember to adjust them as needed. It’s all about finding what works for you.