How to budget for Wants (hyperfixations)

Im pretty good at saving money except when I hyperfixate on something. I started watching tktok blindboxes and I spent over $200 just last night for plushies. I stopped tracking my cash ins/outs since May but I think I still have more in than outs. Aside from rent/utils, I only spend on groceries/meds. Then spend occasionally on clothes (only if needed), rarely go for fastfoods.

I wanna track again, but how much do yall set for wants? I grew up poor so now I have adult money, I thought I can now go buy plushies (I never had a new plushie as a kid). But it feels wrong financially. Idk if it matters but I also have savings and 401k, HSA so I think I’m good at the savings part? At the back of my head, I should save every penny every cent for rainy days. But I feel like I have been preparing for my future since I was a kid, that I feel like now is the future? :rofl:

It’s hard to tell you how much you “can” spend without more info.

Instead of merely tracking, you should establish a budget in which roughly 15% of your expenses go to wants like impulsive purchases.

Thank you!

i love this one

Budget for fun, but plan savings with purpose—emergency, replacements—then balance wants wisely

Thank you so much!

I have a pretty good amount of savings that I dont touch (on my HYSA). I haven’t really decided which are my emergency funds as I just think of it as my mortgage dp savings.

I cap monthly slush at $245 after needs—$700 budget, $455 for groceries, gas, haircuts, and TP

Oh wow. Happy for you that you’re figuring it out.

Aside from my 401ks, HSA, I try to save about 600 per month for my HSA.

Most of my expenses really are rent/util and groceries. I buy from Sams so my per trip spending is between 75 to 250 and I probably go once or 2 per month. Rarely twice.

I will work on better tracking. Thank you :heart: