What’s a good budgeting app? I’m looking for one that has a membership for about $10 a month. Thanks!
Check out Good Steward. I’ve heard good things about it.
What features are you looking for? I personally use a spreadsheet (Apple Numbers). No membership fees and no $10 a month .
I’m mainly just trying to track my spending, so I’m not sure where to start.
I manually track my spending using receipts. I also import .csv files from my bank. It helps to assign a budget category to each transaction.
If I may ask, why do you need to track expenses? It takes a lot of effort and discipline. Would it work for you to just enter expected incomes and expenses for the future?
Tracking expenses helps you see where your money is going. It also makes you more aware of small transactions, which can add up quickly.
I’d recommend Every Dollar to start out. They have a free version that works for tracking spending, but you may need to pay for additional reports. My wife and I used it for years!
If you have an Android, give Beyond Budget a try. They offer a free version and a lifetime subscription option.
Have you checked out r/YNAB? They have a lot of great resources there.
Try MoneyPatrol. It’s free to start and has comprehensive budgeting and transaction tracking features.