Everydollar vs Ynab

Between EveryDollar and YNAB, I’d recommend EveryDollar for you. Since you’re already familiar with the zero-based budgeting system and don’t feel the need to connect your bank accounts, EveryDollar’s free option should suit your needs well. Plus, if you ever decide to upgrade to a paid plan, EveryDollar is more cost-effective for you.


For the past two years, I have been using EveryDollar (the free version), and I really like it. However, I am switching to YNAB since it appears to have slightly better sinking fund functionality. I’m still figuring out YNAB, though it appears like there is a steep learning curve.


For course, Everydollar is free if you want it. Check out Centsible if you need an app for your phone that can handle envelope budgeting. Much less expensive than ynab as direct import is not covered. also has superior reports on mobile.


I use Everydollar and have never had an issue.

I do pay for the subscription though. I guess that might be why we’ve never had major problems with it.


There is no cost version of EveryDollar. YNAB is not one of them. YNAB is more expensive annually than EveryDollar. EveryDollar budgeters find or save around $200 more in the first two months of budgeting than YNAB budgeters, according on customer survey data.

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