Envelope Budgeting Without Salary

This may be a silly question, but please be nice. I’ve always used the envelope budgeting system and it works wonderfully for me. However, I’m shifting from weekly salaried to bi-weekly hourly pay next month, and I have no idea how to restructure this. Also, I just got married, and now we’re working on combining our incomes just for living expenses and bills. I use a Google Sheets template for my budget. Someone please explain some ideas on how I can keep using this system with the varied paychecks and combined checking account for bills.

How were you managing your envelopes before? It should be the same, just you get paid every other week instead of every week. Whatever you were putting in each week, you now put in twice as much every other week. If your hours vary week to week, budget based on your lowest paycheck and plan for the extra, or budget based on the average and set aside any extra to supplement lower paychecks.