So I’m in this situation where my roommate and I are both unemployed right now. I’m 20F and he’s 19M, and it’s been interesting to see how differently we handle our budgets. I started keeping a spreadsheet budget a couple of years ago, and I update it every month. I left my job two months ago with about 7k, plus 5k in savings, while he left with around 2k. I grew up frugal, so I still have over half of my money left since I mostly just pay rent and food. But I’ve realized that sometimes I act like I have less money than I do. Like, I won’t buy a drink at the bar because I think I can’t afford it, even though I can. My roommate, though, has only about $10.25 in his bank, which is wild to me. We’re both on assisted living and living off similar amounts. I guess I just feel anxious about my budget, and even though I’m not struggling, I still say I’m broke sometimes. Anyone else feel this way? Last year, being frugal allowed me to save enough for a big trip coming up, but it’s just crazy how different our situations are, even though we earned the same when we had jobs.
I totally get what you mean. I feel like I act broke even when I’m okay. It’s like a mindset shift or something.
Darian said:
I totally get what you mean. I feel like I act broke even when I’m okay. It’s like a mindset shift or something.
Right? I sometimes joke with friends about being broke, even though I have enough. It’s just anxiety, I guess.
Exactly. I feel guilty spending money even when I have it. How do you deal with that?
Wow, your budgeting seems really effective. I’ve been meaning to try something like that. How do you keep up with it?
Jade said:
Wow, your budgeting seems really effective. I’ve been meaning to try something like that. How do you keep up with it?
I just use a simple spreadsheet and update it monthly. It helps me see where my money goes.
That sounds manageable. I can be pretty disorganized with my finances. Any tips for getting started?
It’s interesting to see how different people handle money. Your roommate’s situation seems tough. How does he cope?
Parker said:
It’s interesting to see how different people handle money. Your roommate’s situation seems tough. How does he cope?
He’s just trying to make it work day by day. It’s tough when you don’t have much to rely on.
Yeah, I can imagine. I hope things get better for both of you soon.
Congrats on saving for your trip! I’m curious, how did you manage to save so much?