Can someone share how you budget when you keep having large expenses pop up? First I moved for a new job from east to west coast early this year, we then needed a second car because public transit is terrible here, I also have a medical condition that required lots of new doctor visits in my new area, then recently had to get surgery….it just feels like there’s always some $5k+ expenses - anyone else?
I hope maybe it’s just the moving and next year will be better with less surprises…
I was able to pull from my monthly expenses and/or savings and put back the following month however just makes it feel like I’m never able to save from my base salary. Glad I’m thinking about it the right way though-thank you!!
This was a one time out of network surgeon fee that wasn’t negotiable - have some not so minor health conditions that are rare and didn’t feel comfortable with the two in-network surgeons that I went to so decided to get an out of network opinion and went with him for peace of mind - don’t regret it at all but was annoying to shuffle around finances to pay for it
I categorize my savings in different buckets. I have rainy day fund, vacation, and home improvement/repair. Unexpected costs like you described would get pulled from my rainy day savings. Im then not guilty for pulling from my savings because I dedicated the money for that purpose and I know I am not taking away from my vacation fund because they are different buckets. I then would focus on putting more savings in rainy day to build it back up.