What are the differences between the You Need A Budget app and the Rocket Money app? I’m curious about which one might be better for my situation. I follow ‘the Budgetnista’ on Instagram and she recommends both of these apps. But honestly, do I need both? That seems like way too much to handle, especially since I’m already feeling overwhelmed with the money and finance stuff.
YNAB operates on a zero-based budgeting system, which means you assign every dollar you have. If you don’t have the money, it doesn’t go in the budget. Rocket Money, on the other hand, is more of a traditional approach where you forecast how much you’ll make for the month and budget based on that.
Exactly, that’s the main difference. And to answer your question, you really don’t need both. Just pick the one that feels right for you. YNAB has a free trial for about a month, which is great for testing it out. Rocket Money has a free version too, but it also offers a 7-day trial for the premium features. From what I’ve seen, YNAB has a steeper learning curve, but they provide tons of free resources to help you out.
Yeah, I found YNAB a bit hard to get into at first, but once I got the hang of it, it was super helpful. What do you think about Rocket Money?
Jory said:
Yeah, I found YNAB a bit hard to get into at first, but once I got the hang of it, it was super helpful. What do you think about Rocket Money?
I haven’t tried Rocket Money yet. Does it have a similar learning curve? Or is it easier to pick up?
I’d say Rocket Money is more user-friendly for beginners. You can track your expenses without getting too bogged down in details. It might be a better fit if you’re feeling overwhelmed overall.
Clarke said:
I’d say Rocket Money is more user-friendly for beginners. You can track your expenses without getting too bogged down in details. It might be a better fit if you’re feeling overwhelmed overall.
That sounds more my speed. I definitely want to keep it simple for now. Thanks for the tip!
For sure, try one at a time. Just focus on getting comfortable with one app before adding another into the mix. You got this.
Totally agree with MNO. It can get overwhelming if you try to manage both at once. Just take it easy and find what works for you. Good luck!