Which app is best for tracking purchases and spending?

I browsed the App Store and there are a tonne of them. I would simply like to know which app any of you use and possibly recommend. I have to monitor every penny because I had to adjust my spending to support my son’s education. I would be very grateful for any assistance!


Create an Excel spreadsheet; it is easily manageable and customisable.


Try www.coney.app if you would want a simple method to enter expenses into a Google Sheets spreadsheet.


Yes, indeed. I do not get along at all with Excel. I have trouble with math-related things since I am dyscalculic. All I want is an Apple app that is convenient to plug in. Still, I appreciate your advice and reaction. :slight_smile:

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Definitely centsible. Keep track of every penny. more affordable than some of the substitutes as well.

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Excellent. Thank you!

I use Microsoft Excel. There is a free online version. For ideas on how to build a free expense tracker try this r/trackexpenses

Try Slippy - Chores & allowance manager. It is made for kids but I adapted it to my spendings. Best of all - it’s free