Rocky Mountain and Dominion have become expensive. How can I lower my usage without unplugging everything? Are there any pet-safe, non-electric heaters for indoor use?
hallo maxwell,adjust the temperature setting a few degrees higher in the summer and lower in the winter (7-10 degrees is recommended) while you sleep or are away. Programmable thermostats can handle this adjustment automatically.
Pay attention to the possibility that per kilowatt costs are cheaper at certain times of the day/night. If you have a clothes dryer (220, which sucks energy), run it when rates are lowest during the day/night.
Hand wash dishes. Saves on electric and water bill, as well as cost of water heater re-heating. Don’t use the “heat dry” (or whatever the setting is on your dishwasher). Just crack open the door after the last rinse, and let dishes dry naturally.
Turn down the temp on your water heater if it’s electric or natural gas powered (I think Rocky Mt. provides both in some places, right?)
Sweater up.
Kindly remind children to turn off the lights.
Covers and additional layers if required
Replace the HVAC filters frequently.
Heat set to 68 degrees Fahrenheit during the day and 65 degrees at night.
Cold water is used to wash clothes.
The majority of our large appliances use less energy.
We take action to maintain minimal utility bills. Since it’s currently in the upper 50s, bills are lower than usual.