Sinking Funds Budget

How does everyone handle sinking funds/planning for things they want in the future? Give me examples of your payday and where you disperse your funds :slight_smile:

Example Payday - $3,700 (after $850 for 401k). I leave enough in checking for bills (~$1,450) and disperse funds as follows:

  • Son’s 529: $75
  • Fun Money: $500
  • House Fund: $250
  • Vacation Fund: $500
  • Rainy Day Fund: $250
  • Extra Mortgage Payments: $350

Cash Envelopes:

  • Groceries: $360
  • Gas: $60
  • Eating Out: $120
  • Son’s Chore Money: $10

We cash flow other items as needed by adjusting these amounts.

I allocate to buckets each month and draw from those when I can afford the item. This way, I understand my earnings, spending, and how much wiggle room I have.

I have funds set up for various expenses like:

  • Document renewals
  • Vacations (one fund per vacation)
  • New car
  • Property taxes
  • Home maintenance
  • Appliance repair/replace
  • Continuing education
  • Medical deductible

I use Habit Money to track my sinking funds. For example, if I want $1,000 for a vacation, I save $50 per paycheck. It’s satisfying to watch my balances grow toward my goals.

I opened separate savings accounts for all my sinking funds. On the first of the month, money automatically transfers to each fund like Christmas, car insurance, and home repairs.