Question About Cash Envelopes

Apologies for a potentially silly question, but how does the cash envelope system work with coins? I see a lot of videos on social media about this system, but I only ever see them handling bills, never coins. It’s like all of their purchases are in even dollar amounts :sweat_smile:

If you’re using cash envelopes, you’re allowed to add coins. Most people try to keep it simple and round their amounts to the dollar level.

You can definitely use coins and put them in your envelopes. I’ve also seen people who choose to put all their change into a jar, which then goes towards a savings goal for something.

Thanks for the responses! It’s helpful to know that coins can be included. I think I’ll try putting them in a jar for savings too.

You’ll see a lot of cash budgeters (I’m one!) using coins for challenges where we save them in a jar and then count them at certain intervals.