Looking for a simple offline expense tracker that I can input my expenses with. Don’t need it to tie into my bank account, don’t need it to track income, just expenses. I used to use Smart Receipts for years, but the latest update took away some features and made a lot of UI changes that made it really hard to use.
Would be nice if it was iOS compatible as well so my wife and I could use the same app.
Would like to track the following:
Name of purchase
Date of purchase
Amount of purchase
Payment Type: Credit Card / Check / Cash
Category of Expense: Dinner / Lunch / Fuel
Comment Field
Google Sheets app. Turn on transaction notifications on your phone and only swipe them away when they are entered. Then manually enter cash/cheque transactions. The app is easy to use for entering info.
You don’t need to enter the data directly into Google Sheets. Build a Google Form and use that to enter the info. It runs as a website form—so any web browser on your phone will work, and it will enter automatically into a Google sheet for you.
I just tried your Google Forms suggestion and while it works, it’s pretty clunky. Don’t understand why it’s so hard to find a simple expense tracker with Excel export.
I used to do it this way, but then had to save up all my receipts until I could put them in. Being able to put them in on my phone in an app was so much easier…
Caius said: @Bran
Why do you need the receipts? I just review my bank account/credit card statements at the end of each month and input them into my sheet.
Ya, I’m a mix of Cash / Credit Card and every once in a while, a check. It’s nice to do it on the fly instead of dedicating a day after the bank statement is settled.
I use a digital file cabinet (PKMS) to store receipts. The metadata is stored in the filename or tags. For detailed analysis, I use a script (AppleScript) to load this data to a spreadsheet.
Vale said:
I use a digital file cabinet (PKMS) to store receipts. The metadata is stored in the filename or tags. For detailed analysis, I use a script (AppleScript) to load this data to a spreadsheet.
Is PKMS an Android / Apple app, or what exactly is it?
PKMS stands for Personal Knowledge Management System, a generic term for managing your information. It could simply be files in your OS file system. I use any note app (Devonthink) with my Apple devices.