Offline Expense Tracking App?

Looking for a simple offline expense tracker that I can input my expenses with. Don’t need it to tie into my bank account, don’t need it to track income, just expenses. I used to use Smart Receipts for years, but the latest update took away some features and made a lot of UI changes that made it really hard to use.

Would be nice if it was iOS compatible as well so my wife and I could use the same app.

Would like to track the following:

Name of purchase
Date of purchase
Amount of purchase
Payment Type: Credit Card / Check / Cash
Category of Expense: Dinner / Lunch / Fuel
Comment Field

Google Sheets app. Turn on transaction notifications on your phone and only swipe them away when they are entered. Then manually enter cash/cheque transactions. The app is easy to use for entering info.

You don’t necessarily need an app for something like this. Google Forms. It’s free. Then build your reports based on the Google sheet.

Mika said:
You don’t necessarily need an app for something like this. Google Forms. It’s free. Then build your reports based on the Google sheet.

Ya, only issue is that it’s hard to input all the data I need on a Google or Excel sheet when I’m on my phone…

You don’t need to enter the data directly into Google Sheets. Build a Google Form and use that to enter the info. It runs as a website form—so any web browser on your phone will work, and it will enter automatically into a Google sheet for you.

I just tried your Google Forms suggestion and while it works, it’s pretty clunky. Don’t understand why it’s so hard to find a simple expense tracker with Excel export.

I just use an Excel sheet.

Caius said:
I just use an Excel sheet.

I used to do it this way, but then had to save up all my receipts until I could put them in. Being able to put them in on my phone in an app was so much easier…

Why do you need the receipts? I just review my bank account/credit card statements at the end of each month and input them into my sheet.

Caius said:
Why do you need the receipts? I just review my bank account/credit card statements at the end of each month and input them into my sheet.

Ya, I’m a mix of Cash / Credit Card and every once in a while, a check. It’s nice to do it on the fly instead of dedicating a day after the bank statement is settled.

I use a digital file cabinet (PKMS) to store receipts. The metadata is stored in the filename or tags. For detailed analysis, I use a script (AppleScript) to load this data to a spreadsheet.

Vale said:
I use a digital file cabinet (PKMS) to store receipts. The metadata is stored in the filename or tags. For detailed analysis, I use a script (AppleScript) to load this data to a spreadsheet.

Is PKMS an Android / Apple app, or what exactly is it?

PKMS stands for Personal Knowledge Management System, a generic term for managing your information. It could simply be files in your OS file system. I use any note app (Devonthink) with my Apple devices.

Ramsey app.