Hi, I need a budget app that is easy to understand. I’m bad at math and I don’t understand how some budget apps will say that you have no spending money available for the next couple of months? It’s just not helpful. I really need an app that will analyze my expenses and saving goals and tell me how much money I have available to spend each week. That’s it. Can anyone help me out?? They’re all so complicated
Every Dollar’s free version works well. Try Taproot Budgeting on iPhone for Safe Balance insights.
Try Tend Cash; it’s another budgeting option worth exploring!
You can try a google sheets budget template. They have some decent ones on Etsy for a dollar or two or even free ones if you look around. You can also download the google sheets app to your phone and track your spending in the budget.
@Strongwing Im almost as bad at Google sheets and formatting as I am at math lol
The template does the math for you. Just input income and expenses, and it tracks everything easily!
I use an app called Spending Tracker. Its the easiest one I found
Try Stuff Finance; it’s another great tool for budgeting!
I built an envelope budget app. Highly recommend it regardless of which service you choose. Mine is one time purchase. It’s called Centsible. Let me know if you try it and what you think. I can extend your trial. Good luck.
I switched from Mint to YNAB this year and it’s made a huge difference to my finances. YNAB uses the envelope approach and ultimately, you need to know how much money to allocate to each category. No app can tell you what your spending priorities are. But once you figure out your monthly costs, YNAB is fantastic at helping create the annualized plan so that you are saving for upcoming expenses. Highly recommend!
Both YNAB and Monarch offer free trials. Monarch is more user-friendly and costs $100/year.