Meal delivery service vs grocery shopping/cooking

Instead of going food shopping and cooking ourselves, my wife and I are considering testing a meal delivery service for a month.

Only the two of us are there. We both attend the same school and work full-time. Has anyone carried out this task before? Is it more affordable? Did it save you time?


In my view, it’s only cost-effective when it’s heavily discounted, typically during initial sign-ups or promotions designed to attract returning customers. I wouldn’t consider paying the full price for the service.


My wife and I are currently using Hello Fresh, and while it seems cost-effective at first glance, it’s actually turning out to be more expensive than we expected. The portions are smaller than we anticipated, so we rarely have leftovers for work. As a result, we end up spending extra money the following day, which negates the savings we thought we were getting. It might be worth trying, but that’s been our experience so far.

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It’s definitely pricier than grocery shopping, but much more affordable than dining out frequently. I’ve noticed that if you cancel and then rejoin, they often send you deals to entice you back. Plus, since I’m not great at meal planning or cooking, I ended up eating at home more often when I used HelloFresh.