Looking for a program to project available money

A long time ago, when Quicken was a viable program to use, it had a great projection tool that let me look at how much money I would have available at any given time using my bills, income, and what I currently have in my account. It was really helpful because if it looked like I had an extra $100 to spend, I could look forward and see that I had a big yearly expense coming out next month and needed to save that money. Everything now seems so unbelievably complicated. All I want is a decent projection tool.

Definitely check out Heron. I wanted the same thing, and couldn’t find it, so I wrote it. You can find it at https://heron.money/. Let me know if you have any questions about it.

That was one of the main reasons we started developing a new budgeting app. We have a feature called Safe Balance that calculates how much money you need in your account today and how much extra money you have to save or invest based on your upcoming income and expenses. We use a 60-day horizon and provide a graph so you can see changes by day. If you are interested in learning more, check out Taproot Budgeting. We currently have an open beta on iOS that you can join and are planning the full launch next month. If you have any questions, just let me know.

One of my favorite features is our planner that will help project how much you will have left in your bank.

Have you thought about using Excel with balanced calculations? It can be quite effective for projections.

You can ask chat GPT to help with this. I’m actually serious. Just put in your expenses and ask your question. It can even help calculate a retirement savings plan for you.