Is $1800 for food/household supplies reasonable for a family of four?

Looking at our budget and trying to find the best ways to save. Right now, our mortgage is around $1750, but we pay more to go towards the principal, so it’s $2000 total. We’re also paying $300 for four phones, which includes the actual cost of the phones, not just the contract. Our cable and internet are $300, water is $150, electricity and gas are $300, and we spend $700 on things like gas for the vehicles, haircuts, insurance, medications, etc. When I analyze possible cuts, the most significant opportunity seems to be in the $1800 for food and supplies. Appreciate any feedback!

Depending on where you are, $300 for cable/internet is high. I see cable as more of a luxury if times are tight, so you might want to cut that and explore other internet options. I’m in a high cost of living city and get decent internet for $50 a month, and we use subscriptions instead of cable, which saves a lot.

In our family of four adults living in a high cost of living suburb, we spend about $275 per week on food and toiletries at grocery stores like ALDI or Walmart. We shop with a list and tally as we shop to avoid overspending. We also spend about $80 on miscellaneous items like alcohol and supplements throughout the month. In total, that’s less than $1200 every four weeks. We do have an entertainment budget too for take-out or dining out, but I believe we could manage even on $1300 a month if we scaled back on eating out.