I’ve heard about the 50/30/20 rule and zero-based budgeting, but I’m not sure which one would work best for me

Hello everyone,

I’m curious about different budgeting methods. I’ve heard about the 50/30/20 rule and zero-based budgeting, but I’m not sure which one would work best for me. Can anyone share their experiences with these or other budgeting techniques? How do you decide which method to use?

Appreciate the help!

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Picking a budget can feel overwhelming, but don’t worry, I’ve been there! Here’s the lowdown on 50/30/20 and zero-based budgeting to help you decide:

  • 50/30/20: Simple (3 categories: needs, wants, savings), good for beginners.
  • Zero-based: Detailed (every dollar assigned a job), flexible.

Choose based on:

  • Do you like clear categories or breakdowns?
  • Are you new to budgeting? (50/30/20 might be easier)

Bonus: You can tweak either method to fit your needs!

Try them both out and see which one helps you manage your money best!

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Look up the Man with the Money. The Financial Order of Operations is something they have that provides guidance on where to spend your next dollar. It’s an easy-to-follow method that goes step by step.