I Saved Money by Cutting Streaming Subscriptions

I was spending too much on streaming services like Netflix, and Disney+ for a while now so I made a few changes to cut costs.

Here’s what worked for me so far:

  1. Audit & Cancel: Review all your subscriptions and cancel the ones you rarely use.
  2. Rotate Services: Subscribe to only one service per month, then switch.
  3. Share Accounts: Split costs with family or friends.
  4. Use Free Alternatives: Try free platforms like Pluto TV or YouTube.
  5. Avoid Add-ons: Cut out unnecessary premium channel add-ons.

These simple steps saved me a lot. How are you managing your subscriptions? Share your tips!

We only pay for SoundCloud since my husband listens all day at work; family shares Disney/Prime/Max/Hulu

@AVAH Soundcloud is the best option I guess instead of using Spotify. I use free spotify btw and ads are fine with me. Sharing with family is a good choice as well. Books can be expensive as well sometimes.

We trade books or donate to Little Free Libraries, and our public library has DVDs and games too.

Right on point! Thanks for sharing

Paying annually & using credit card rebates cuts costs, plus bundling with cell/Internet helps.

@JANTY that credit card rebate is so smart! Thanks for adding this

I only pay for Hulu, and I share with others in exchange for theirs.

I mostly use Hulu, but I also have Netflix, Prime, and Max.

If I ever lost the other 3 I’d be fine.

@JOSH Right! Question, do you have some other subscriptions aside from video streaming? How do you keep track on it?

I just added a Morningstar subscription but it’s $25/year.

not sure what is morningstar but 25/y is not that bad if gives so much value to you. Thanks for sharing.