I have $450 left over every month after all bills and $100 saved each week

Theoretically, What is your opinion of my financial situation? This is including $200 of eating out but no “play” money

Depends on your income. If you have $450 left, is it saved or used as unbudgeted play money?

@JOSH We bring home $5,700/month with a $3,000 emergency fund and are adjusting to a new budget after a raise

in my opinion then this is a very low savings for this kind of income. do you have kids? making over 5k and only saving 100 a week tells me your fixed expenses are way too high

Sorry, I miscalculated. We roughly bring home 5700 a month. Here’s a break down of our bills.

Rent 1700

Car payment 305 and 420

Car insurance 230

Life insurance for my husband 115

Electric 180-200

Water 40

Union dues 340

Grocery 800 (includes diapers, household necessities)

Gas 300-320 (my husband fills up almost twice a week for work) I don’t drive much

200 eating out

Phone bill $47

Triple A 20

Spotify 16

Netflix 8

Hulu 8

WiFi 50

After all of that we have over $800 left. $100 a week to savings. $400 left for if we need play money for kids etc. we had a bigger savings but due to a few different unplanned emergency expenses we’re building back up.

Those car payments are killers.

Consider life insurance for yourself too. $725 in car payments—are you close to paying them off?

The $420 car is new; the $305 payment has 3 years left with $10K remaining. Plan to pay off early

Those raises will help. Just try not to inflate your lifestyle to the point you are in the same situation. It seems to be a little tight at the moment because of the cars but cars are expensive and with kids you want safe cars or I know I do so it is what it is.