How often are you going to the grocery store and what are you spending per month?

We’re a family of four with an average monthly grocery spend of $1,250 in a high cost of living area. We usually shop at Aldi and Winco, but we occasionally grab some produce from Sprouts or Whole Foods. I’ve noticed we’re going to the grocery store about once a week, sometimes even twice if we run out of milk—both kids are still pretty young. Ideally, I’d like to aim for shopping every other week or no more than twice a month. How often do you go grocery shopping each month, and what’s your average total spend? Any tips for cutting down on the number of trips?

We go about twice a month and spend around $800 for a family of four. Meal planning has helped us reduce trips significantly!

Vail said:
We go about twice a month and spend around $800 for a family of four. Meal planning has helped us reduce trips significantly!

Meal planning sounds great! Any tips on how to get started?

I usually shop weekly, spending about $600. I try to buy in bulk for non-perishables to cut down on trips.

Shannon said:
I usually shop weekly, spending about $600. I try to buy in bulk for non-perishables to cut down on trips.

That’s smart! I’ll consider bulk buying for things like pasta and rice.

We go every two weeks and spend around $1,000. I make a list and stick to it to avoid impulse buys.

Zenith said:
We go every two weeks and spend around $1,000. I make a list and stick to it to avoid impulse buys.

Good idea! I’ll definitely make a list to help stay focused.

I find it helpful to do a pantry inventory before shopping. This way, I know what I have and what I really need!

Page said:
I find it helpful to do a pantry inventory before shopping. This way, I know what I have and what I really need!

That’s a great tip! I often forget what’s in the pantry.

We shop once a month and spend about $900. I batch cook meals to save time and reduce trips.

Haru said:
We shop once a month and spend about $900. I batch cook meals to save time and reduce trips.

Batch cooking sounds like a winner. I’ll have to try that method!