Genuinely just curious. What is your:
- Monthly food bill (groceries, restaurants, coffee, anything food-related)
- Household size
- General location you live
Genuinely just curious. What is your:
I just blew my mind looking it up on my credit card. In September, I spent $1700 in food and drink and $800 in groceries. ~1-2 people. NYC.
Southern California here - almost the same.
I’m guessing people in NYC become habitual restaurant eaters? If you eat out a lot, don’t even keep track now with inflation. Restaurants are stupid now.
Strict month (most months): $400 for groceries, $100 for eating out - 1 person in South Florida. Fun month: $500 for groceries, $300 for eating out.
I live alone in a medium/high cost of living city in the US, and these are my food budgets:
I think it’s fair to mention my boyfriend buys me dinner at least once a week and I also spend the weekend with my parents every few weeks.
1800 in groceries per month. 500 in eating out. 2 adults, 3 growing teens. Groceries include pet food and personal care items all lumped in with the food.
We do not make an effort to have a moderate grocery and eating out budget. I’m certain we could get it down to 1500 total if we tried. High cost of living area.
Small town Midwest… $50 eating out last month (we are currently trying to avoid eating out completely right now). $700 on groceries for 2 adults and a 5-year-old boy.
We budget out $200 a week so $800 a month for a family of four. However, I like to try and keep it to $170-ish. This is strictly shopping at Aldi and being as low maintenance as possible while still needing some extra snacks for kids. NW Florida.
We also budget $200 a month for eating out; however, it usually consists of my husband’s work lunches.
One person in the Midwest. I was spending like $200-250 per month a few years ago. Now, because I changed to healthier food like free-range eggs, and due to inflation, it’s like $300/mo. But I can bring it back down with different food choices.
So $2400 a month for a small family of 3 people in a medium cost of living area.
So, approximately $800 each. Actually, with inflation, that’s not that unreasonable, and perhaps what I am spending.
I know. It’s my fault. I eat out for lunch every day. It’s probably 300-350 of the eating-out budget. There are also some business dinners mixed into the eating-out budget that the job reimbursed for, which probably accounts for at least 100 a month.