How do you fit those big purchases into your monthly budget... any tips?

I’ve been trying to figure out how to work in purchases that I only buy every couple of months into my budget. Like, we buy a big bag of dog food that lasts longer than a month, or I get my face moisturizer that lasts for 6 months. Then there are yearly subscriptions like Amazon Prime. How do you all handle these kinds of expenses while planning your budgets? Would love to hear what works for you.

One way I handle it is by dividing the total price by the number of months until I need to buy it again. I just set aside that amount every month in a separate savings account or whatever. That way, I’m ready when I need to replenish.

I pay for my child care for the whole year upfront because they offer a discount for that. It keeps me insulated from any price changes during that time, which is nice.

I just let the balance of my budget for those categories roll over into the next month. If I know something lasts for a while, I just divide the cost by how many months I expect it to last and set that amount aside each month.

I adjust my budget for those months when I know I have a big purchase coming up. Some months are larger, and others are smaller, but as long as I’m spending less than I make, it seems to work fine for me.

I actually have a budget category just for irregular expenses. It has a fixed amount that I set aside each month. I keep a list of those irregular purchases, and this way I’m not caught off guard when they pop up.