How do I manage to budget with collections, 0 income and credit card debt + student loans?

Hi! I have 2 credit cards I maxed out which I am paying down. I have not even been interested in using these cards since I’ve been paying them down. I got an offer from collections for a pay for delete; my original total was $828, it is now $444 with the option of pay for delete. I want this collection off of my credit report now; however, I have 0 income to pay it with. Should I pay for it with my credit card? I really don’t want to because of interest. Can I negotiate the amount? Also, I have two more collections that do not show up on my Experian account. Should I be calling looking for these collections? I know for sure they went to collections and I know for sure I owe one of them. In addition to having to pay monthly on two credit cards, I also have to pay student loans monthly and other small expenses. Even when I get a job, is there even any hope of being able to save while living like this? My monthly bills are around $250, not including saving for anything. I am $1.7K in credit card debt, $8K in student loan debt, and about $800 in collection debt (including the reduced amount of collection 1 + potential cost of collection 2 and 3). I also have no assets and $200 to my name. The most realistic job I can get fast will provide me with $1.6K monthly. I also need to save for a place, a car, food, and a rainy day. Is there any hope of me having a cent to myself within the next 2 months if I get this job? I am hopeless; I just want to pay my collections and credit cards off ASAP. How can I pay these off ASAP and still save? Will the 50/30/20 rule work here or will I not be able to touch any of my first 3 checks?

Don’t do anything without income. Do you currently have a stable living situation? Is that 1.6k/mo net or gross? If net, then you’re still left with $1,350. Immediately tackle your collections, then start on your credit cards. Frankly, 50/30/20 doesn’t matter until you have more stability. Right now you have to do whatever you can to reach that stability.

Thank you so much, the 1.6K is net, and no, my situation isn’t stable at all lol, I could be homeless very soon. You’re right, I do need stability, thank you!

Gotcha. Are you with family, friends, or school? What’s your timeline look like? What are your credit card minimum payments? What is your age and credit score? I would not make any payments for the time being; only eat beans, rice, chicken/pork, eggs, and cheap veggies—potatoes, carrots, and even frozen steam-able vegetables.

I’m currently staying with a friend, but it’s not guaranteed for long. My minimum payments are around $50 each for the credit cards. I’m 28, and my credit score is pretty low, around 580.

Immediately try to figure out your living—ideally cheap as possible or with other family and friends (be willing, or even insist, to pay a small agreed upon rent). This would be great if it’s near your new job. If you’re working consistent hours, with the same people, try to arrange a carpool situation. Cheaper than ride share. Offer money. People tend to sour as time goes on when doing stuff for free; even for family or good friends.