I’m 26 and honestly tired of living paycheck to paycheck. I want to figure out the best way to budget and find an easy app to use as a beginner. Anyone have suggestions?
You don’t need an app. Just grab a pen and paper and start by listing out all your income and expenses. That’s a solid starting point.
I’d recommend trying envelope budgeting. It might help you see where your money is going. I built an app called Centsible that’s designed for that. It’s mobile/tablet only, but it’s a one-time purchase for offline use. I can help you set it up if you need it.
You could also check out Actual Budget. It’s free, but you have to self-host it. It might take a bit of setup, though.
To really get started, make sure you understand your financial situation first. Check your income and mandatory bills like rent and utilities. That way, you can see what’s left for spending and saving.
We use Rocket Money. It’s not a budget planner in the traditional sense; it just shows you how you actually spend your money. That way, you can adjust accordingly. It’s great to get a clear picture.
I like to download my bank statements and highlight my spending. Use different colors for essentials and fun stuff. It really helps me see where I can cut back.
You could use the 50/30/20 rule. Allocate 50% for essentials, 30% for non-essentials, and 20% for savings or debt. It’s a simple way to start budgeting.