How can I cut down on my heating and electric bills?

Rocky Mountain and Dominion costs seem to be soaring. Besides unplugging devices, are there other methods to reduce consumption? Additionally, I’m searching for non-electric indoor heaters that are pet-safe. Any advice is greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance!


its just simple, Pay attention to the fact that per kilowatt costs may be cheaper at certain times of the day or night. If you have a 220-volt clothes dryer, which consumes a lot of energy, run it when rates are lowest.

Hand wash dishes to save on both your electric and water bills, as well as the cost of reheating water. Avoid using the “heat dry” setting on your dishwasher. Instead, crack open the door after the final rinse and let the dishes air dry naturally.

Lower the temperature on your water heater, whether it’s electric or natural gas-powered (Rocky Mountain Power provides both in some areas, right?).


Pay attention to the likelihood that per-kilowatt expenses are lower at particular times of day/night. If you have a clothes dryer (220, which wastes energy), use it when rates are lowest during the day/night.

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All of this advice is great, but you’re probably saving water by using the dishwasher—even half full—instead of washing your hands. Water is filtered and reused throughout the cycle of modern dishwashers, making them incredibly efficient. However, the heat dry and sanitize functions waste a lot of energy.

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