Guilt free spending - pool money together with wife or split down the middle?

My wife and I have $400 a month for guilt free spending, combined. Do you recommend pooling our money together and spending from a joint card, or splitting it down the middle so each of us has $200 a month?

I think pooling your money together could be more fun. It feels like you’re both working towards the same goals and can spend freely without feeling guilty about it.

Splitting it down the middle might work better if you both have different spending habits. That way, you can each spend without worrying about the other’s choices.

Davidjones said:
Splitting it down the middle might work better if you both have different spending habits. That way, you can each spend without worrying about the other’s choices.

Yeah, that makes sense. If one of you likes to save while the other enjoys splurging, splitting could keep things balanced.

I like the idea of a joint card, but maybe have a set amount for each person that you can spend freely. That way, it’s both pooled and individual.

Charlie said:
I like the idea of a joint card, but maybe have a set amount for each person that you can spend freely. That way, it’s both pooled and individual.

That’s a good compromise. You get the freedom to spend together but also have your own little stash.

Honestly, it depends on how you both handle money. If you’re both on the same page about spending, pooling could be nice, but if there’s any tension about money, splitting it might be safer.

I’d say try both methods for a month each and see what feels better. You might find that one suits you better than the other.

Grier said:
I’d say try both methods for a month each and see what feels better. You might find that one suits you better than the other.

That’s a solid idea. It could really help you figure out what works best for your relationship.