Free budget app where

Looking for a free budget app where I can

  • Record all my fixed expenses (subscriptions)
  • Using the data above generate a weekly spending limit based on my salary

Then I can go through the week with my “fixed” wallet, while allocating a percentage of that to savings.

I am going this in a Google Spreadsheet currently but would like something more mobile friendly

I’m a spreadsheet fan
Using Apple Numbers with a desktop Mac Mini and a mobile iPad tablet

I use a spreadsheet and Rocket Money. And then I cross-reference. A friend put me on RM and it’s helped me a lot personally. I check it every day. I think it’s $4/mo and it’s worth it for me, even though I meticulously keep a spreadsheet. (not an ad btw just a fan). None of my savings accounts are linked to RM but it helps me manage my CCs and subscriptions at least.

There are lots of budget spreadsheets out there you can use as a reference to create your own if you can figure out all the excel commands (pretty easy).

If you have an android. Try the Beyond Budget app. They have a free version. should offer that feature, even in the free version