Check out this site to use up leftover ingredients together

My friend and I created a website to help you cook at home with your friends. The idea is simple: you input what ingredients you want to use, select friends you want to cook with, and get recipe suggestions based on everyone’s combined ingredients. For example, if you have half a jar of marinara sauce and your friend has pasta, you can cook spaghetti together instead of letting food go to waste. It’s a fun, collaborative way to discover new dishes while tackling food waste. The site is still a prototype with hand-picked recipes, so there’s room for improvement—like adding ingredient substitutes and enhancing usability. We’d love your feedback before we build the full version. Check it out at Looking forward to hearing your thoughts.

This sounds like a great idea. I often have leftover ingredients and don’t know what to do with them. How does it work exactly?

I’m curious about the recipes. Are they all original or sourced from somewhere else?

This could really help reduce food waste. IDK how many times I’ve thrown away leftovers. I can’t wait to try it out.

Are you planning on adding features like ingredient substitutes? That would be super helpful.

This is such a cool concept. How can I get my friends involved? Do they need to sign up too?