Budgeting app w/ expense splitting... any recommendations?

Hi, I’m looking for a budgeting app where I can track and categorize all of my expenses. For many of my expenses, I need to be able to indicate which portion I’m paying versus what I’ll be paid back for. I often put my card down at group dinners or am the one to book tickets for the whole group and then everyone pays me back. I understand there are ways to avoid or minimize this, but I would love to find an app where I can just manually indicate what portion is an actual expense and what I’ve been repaid. I live in NYC, so I split quite a bit with my roommate for things like groceries and utilities, which impacts a lot of my expenses. I’ve really struggled to understand my spending because of it.

Anyone know of an app that has functionality like this? Thanks.

Splitwise will be a good option. It lets you track shared expenses and payments back.

Have you checked out Venmo for splitting expenses? It’s not strictly a budgeting app, but you can track who owes you what.

You might want to look at YNAB. It has expense tracking and you can manually adjust for shared costs.

There’s also GoodBudget. It has envelope budgeting and you can manually track reimbursements.

I often use a combination of tools. I track spending in one app and use a shared document for group expenses.