Bank and YNAB don’t agree on what is pending vs cleared

Hi, new to YNAB and new to the group. I am having problems with reconciliation. My numbers seem to be matching maybe half the time on the cleared balances. However, on closer look, the discrepancy is usually equal to a charge that my bank is calling cleared but YNAB is calling pending. (Again new here, so we are talking something like 5 of 10 reconciliations). Why is this happening? If I wait long enough, will YNAB eventually clear it themselves, or do I need to manually clear it?

YNAB can be as much as 24 hours behind your bank. For the most part, it only pulls info once a day. If it’s cleared in your bank when reconciling, just clear it in YNAB. YNAB will eventually clear it, but if you want to reconcile, you may need to manually clear some things.

Sorry, accidentally posted this here instead of r/YNAB. But feel free to answer if you know…:grinning: