I’m looking for some advice on budgeting, as I feel really overwhelmed. I get paid on the 10th of every month, which makes things tricky because my rent and a few other bills are due at the start of the month. For example, I’ll be paid on December 10, but my rent for December has already come out at the beginning of the month, so I’ve had to use my November salary to cover that. I want to get better at budgeting and start planning ahead, but this misalignment is making it hard to figure out how to begin. I’ve started using Google Sheets to track my expenses, but IDK how to account for this gap or plan for the month effectively. Any tips would be hugely appreciated!
Instead of budgeting for the month of December, budget from December 10 to January 9. Just shift the dates. It’s still 30-31 days you’re covering, just starting from the 10th instead of the 1st.
Florence said:
Instead of budgeting for the month of December, budget from December 10 to January 9. Just shift the dates. It’s still 30-31 days you’re covering, just starting from the 10th instead of the 1st.
Oh wow, that seems so obvious now. Thanks a ton!
Yes, and if you happen to use Fina money, here’s a template you can try: Budgeting by Paycheck Date
Rin said:
Yes, and if you happen to use Fina money, here’s a template you can try: Budgeting by Paycheck Date
Awesome, I’ll check that out! Thanks!
I use Google Sheets too! I put my biggest expenses right under my payday. It helps you stay ahead. Like, list rent first, then your next biggest expense, and so on.
Nova said:
I use Google Sheets too! I put my biggest expenses right under my payday. It helps you stay ahead. Like, list rent first, then your next biggest expense, and so on.
That makes so much sense! I can’t believe I didn’t think of that. Thanks!
On payday, transfer the money for bills into a separate account and autopay them from there. You can also ask your providers to change your payment due date to the 10th. Most should be fine with it.
millowcash said:
On payday, transfer the money for bills into a separate account and autopay them from there. You can also ask your providers to change your payment due date to the 10th. Most should be fine with it.
That would actually make it a lot easier. Thank you so much!
No problem! Sometimes it just takes having someone else look at the issue
Florence said:
No problem! Sometimes it just takes having someone else look at the issue
Definitely! I really appreciate all the help!